Friday, April 2, 2010

The Owls Marquetry

Dad made this marquetry for Ron's birthday in 1984. It may have been the beginning of his series of bird marquetry pictures. (Ron has a small collection of owls.) This is another experiment, following Ann's lead, to see if I can get better color definition.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

A Small Piece of Marquetry

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Sweet Memories

This picture hung in my little bedroom in Penrose. When I left home, it went with me. I don't think I even asked. It has moved with me more times than I care to count, and has always given me a sense of peace, a corner of home, and a sweet memory of Mother and Dad. The ironic thing is one day this picture disappeared. I couldn't imagine what had happened to it, but with all the moves I suspected it had become one of those move mysteries. Then, when Beth and Jerry moved into our basement apartment, there magically appeared on the wall the missing picture. She laughed and said that when she left home, she just quietly wrapped up the picture and took it with her - a piece of home - that has kept her company for several years. I suspect "Silent Night" (at least that is what I have always called it) was needed to keep someone else feeling connected to family and home.
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Ralston, Wyoming 1942

This piece was done the year I was born. On the back, there is a woodburned note that says "Russell Blood, Western Woodcraft, Ralston, Wyoming". On the front it says "Russell Blood 1942".
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The Castle #2

I will leave the other castle photo for comparison's sake, but I believe this is a better photo. I have used the 70 watt full color spectrum bulbs from Lowes (cheap) and they have made a difference from the first photo that is currently on the blog, where I used two, more expensive flourescent full spectrum bulbs (60 watt). Please try printing both and let me know what you think. Criticism is welcome. Once I get this down pat, I can take all of my photos and cross this off my to-do list.
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The Castle

This piece was completed in 1961, the year I graduated from high school. The Castle, as it has been known in family circles, was truly a masterpiece. It hung above the piano in the Penrose house, and as visitors would come and go, there was a lot of admiration for Dad's work. I must admit I really wished for this marquetry piece, so when I found my name on it at the Cody house, I felt a twinge of guilt. But I quickly got over it! Dad was a true master of this art.
Note: This appears slightly faded on the blog. Please try printing and let me know how it looks.
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