Thursday, April 1, 2010

Sweet Memories

This picture hung in my little bedroom in Penrose. When I left home, it went with me. I don't think I even asked. It has moved with me more times than I care to count, and has always given me a sense of peace, a corner of home, and a sweet memory of Mother and Dad. The ironic thing is one day this picture disappeared. I couldn't imagine what had happened to it, but with all the moves I suspected it had become one of those move mysteries. Then, when Beth and Jerry moved into our basement apartment, there magically appeared on the wall the missing picture. She laughed and said that when she left home, she just quietly wrapped up the picture and took it with her - a piece of home - that has kept her company for several years. I suspect "Silent Night" (at least that is what I have always called it) was needed to keep someone else feeling connected to family and home.
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